Emergency Preparedness
Emergency Preparedness Handbook
Emergency Preparedness Award
2010 National Scout Jamboree Emergency Preparedness Award Application
Troop Mobilization Plan BLANK Document
Red CrossThunderstorm Safety.pdf
Red Cross Tornado Safety.pdf
Red Cross Heat Wave Checklist.pdf
Patrol Web Pages
Porcupines (Blue Patrol): blue.JamboreeTroop1006.org
Spartans (Green Patrol): green.JamboreeTroop1006.org
Special Ops (Yellow Patrol): yellow.JamboreeTroop1006.org
Grizzlies (Red Patrol): red.JamboreeTroop1006.org
Troop Documents
Map of Troop 1006 Jamboree Camp Site
2010 Jamboree Emergency Preparedness Award Application
Troop Leadership Application
Jamboree Staff Guide
Subcamp Organization and Management
Timberline Tent Instructions
Proper Care and Feeding of Tents
Jamboree GPS Cooordinates
Items we have to build: Click to see examples of stuff to build
Tent name plaques, buddy board, clothes washing system, clothes drying line, and others.
Web E-Mail For: scoutmaster [at] JamboreeTroop1006 [dot] org
Chris Fardoux, Scoutmaster
Surgene Cabell, 1st Assistant Scoutmaster
Robert Collins, 2nd Assistant Scoutmaster
David Dummer, 3rd Assistant Scoutmaster
Web E-Mail For: committee [at] JamboreeTroop1006 [dot] org
Mark Russell, Committee Chairperson
Web Resources
The Mysterium Compass The OA Show -- Feature Program
BSA Jamboree Web Site
FACEBOOK.com--National Jamboree Page
Scouting Magazine Blog on the 2010 Jamboree
Action Center - Central Region
NEIC Jamboree Troop 1004
NEIC Jamboree Troop 1005
NEIC Jamboree Troop 1007
NEIC Jamboree Troop 1008
NEIC Jamboree Troop 1009
Union Pacific Boy Scout Engine
Union Pacific Video
K2BSA -- Ham Radio at the 2010 BSA National Jamboree
Follow the Jamboree on Twitter at these sites:
www.Twitter.com\ActionAlley2010 -- Click here to view tweets
www.Twitter.com\ActionDRappel -- Rappeling wall at Action Center D
Fort AP Hill Jamboree Web Site
Jambo Leader Web Site
Troop Meeting Agendas
Unless stated, all meetings are held at
Where: Zion Lutheran Church, 10 Deerfield Rd, Deerfield, IL 60015
When: 7:30 PM
090519 Jamboree Troop Meeting.doc
090930 Jamboree Troop Meeting.doc
091028 Jamboree Troop Meeting.doc
091111 Jamboree Troop Meeting.doc
091216 Jamboree Troop Meeting.doc
100113 Jamboree Troop Meeting.doc
100310 Jamboree Troop Meeting.doc
100407 Jamboree Troop Meeting.doc
100505 Jamboree Troop Meeting.doc
100602 Jamboree Troop Meeting.doc
Troop Committee Minutes
081209 T1006 Committee Meeting.doc
National Jamboree: 100 Years of Scouting
Register Your Interest to Go, Now: NEIC Jamboree - Scout interest form
When: July 26 - August 4, 2010
NEIC web page: NEIC National Jamboree Registration
Outline of qualifications: NEIC 2010 NATIONAL JAMBOREE.doc
Web Site: www.bsajamboree.org/